Friday, November 14, 2014

Goli Gompa to Pickey Base

We woke up in Goli Gompa to some beautifull weather clear skies ment we could see the peaks of the Himalayan mountains around us on all sides. We prepared for a full day of carrying our bikes. 4 hours of acent with the bikes on our backs. We climbed though some alien looking forests, looking more like they belonged in a lord of the rings movie than reality. Half way to the top we stopped at a small house for some noodle soup and Snickers. The house was run by the funniest couple of older ladies We did not share a common language so we communicated through gestures and smiles. Full on energy we headed up, 2 hours of bike portaging later we arrived at Pickey Base. At Pickey Base there was litteraly nothing. Only a small guest house, amazing views of the surrounding mountain and some roaming cows. At 3700 meters we could see all the way down to the valley were we started and I realized just how far we had climbed. We spent the night huddeling around a bucket of heated coal as the temperatures dropped below zero celcius.

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